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Friday, October 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

As a part of the accompanying programme of the International Comic Festival KOMA, we will present to you our musical guest for the evening: Amelia Siba, one of the most prominent figures on the local DIY scene. Her latest album, Gently Double A, released under Day After Records, resonates with anger, openness, and the hope of discovering a better self and new beginnings. "It's not just sadness anymore, but also the awareness of one's own power to change things," says Siba about her latest work.

The shift from fragile songwriting to a rawer sound demonstrates her self-assuredness in the Czech music scene, free from the deadlines of rigid musician stereotypes.

Join us for this concert on Friday, October 13, 2023, at 8:00 PM. Following the performance, DJ Zloty, another multi-genre artist with a longstanding connection to the KOMA festival, will take care of the afterparty in the yurt.

Admission: 200 CZK at the venue / advance tickets on goout